Wiki Question on final audit step on inpatient leveling


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My name is Ellen Keylor and I am a Certified Professional Coder and a member of AAPC. I have a question on leveling of inpatient services.

When I audited an initial hospital admission record, (using 1995 guidelines) the physician chose CPT 99223, however I found that the documentation supports the following:

Detailed History (9 ROS)
Comprehensive Examination
Comprehensive Medical Decision Making

I think that the service should be coded as 99222, however my colleague feels that because the detailed history is in the furthest column to the left under 99221, that this is the code that must be chosen. Any guidance with this scenario?

Also, are there guidelines available for auditing the inpatient (actual selection) of the level of service after History, Exam and MDM have been chosen? I could not locate anything with Medicare or online. Inpatient services are a little more complicated than office or outpatient evaluation and management services. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.
CMS has targeted our jurisdiction for a prepayment review for 99223. You must have all of the components meet or exceed the requirements or it will not support. Remember to capture family history and non-contributory does not support family history, they down code for that from 99223 to 99221. Hope this helps.