Wiki Question on billing modifier 73/74 in asc

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Can someone please give me their professional opinion on billing modifier 73 in asc setting? I have always billed if iv was started but then case canceled with modifier 73. Most times the case must be done in hospital setting, (difficult intubation, etc). I have always been told once you enter the body (iv started) that we have right and obligation to bill and this should be part of their permanent medical record. Also, would it matter whether patient still in pre-op area or actually taken to or on whether we would bill or not??? I read an article i found out on the internet i found very interesting mentioning the whole reason these modifiers exist (73/74) was to assure something was billable after all the nursing pre-admit leg work was done and time alotted for patient.
Once they enter the operative room for asc facility, you can bill. Modifier 73 is before anesthesia and 74 is once they have recieved anesthesia. Hope this helps.