Wiki Question of liability


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I work for four independent physicians. Phys #1 has me code from notes and enter charges and dx codes into EMR based on their completed office note which is on paper. Phys #2 and #3 complete their paper office note and determine their own E/M level and dx codes but give to me simply to enter into EMR for billing purposes. Physical #4 enters his own E/M level and dx codes in the EMR after completing his office notes, but I still have to check it to make sure all charges for testings were entered on it and then release it to be billed.
Here's my question. I understand my full liability under my licensing for Phys #1, but I don't know or understand my responsibility or liability when it comes to the other physicians. I am a certified coder, but I am not coding for them. However, since the EMR system shows these claims entered and released through me am I held responsible for their coding? I just want to understand and know if anyone else has been in similar positions.
I hope someone can give a more thorough response.

I was also in a similar situation. I found some issues with the ones where they just wanted me to enter info. I finally told my supervisor I was not comfortable just 'entering' info from the physician because in an audit trail - it WOULD have "my" name attached. I was fortunate that my supervisor agreed with me and I did not have to continue doing that physician's charts.

Good luck!
At the end of the day, the physician's signature is on the claim and they are ultimately responsible for their claims. If providers are blatantly using a higher level of service than what is documented/reasonable and medically necessary, then you may have a bigger issue on your hands.