Wiki Question about Auditing Jobs


Local Chapter Officer
Blue Bell
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Hello, I was wondering if anyone could help me out. I am now taking the CPMA course to train to be an auditor. Does anyone have the CPMA cert? and also if you are comfortable with speaking so, what does your job entail and salary details? I probably wont be done for a couple months and then take the test. Maybe you could also give pointers as to the nature of the test as well? Im just trying to get a feel for the work load as I am a newer mom (she is 9 months old) and I work pt right now... so wanting to gauge when I would switch over to that over time. I do work at a hospital so I may be able to find a position within the hospital but just wanted to get a gauge of the field. Ty in advance :)

I would recommend E/M University online for the evaluation and management. It's inexpensive and provides good information on E/Ms.
I have my CPMA for about three years, so I can't help you on the test.

I've actually become really good at e/m auditing since my previous employer used to try to commit fraud and I had to learn asap what the rules/guidelines were and try to teach her. I also did internal auditing to show her what was appropriate. Ive also taken numerous trainings on novitas solutions (local mac) website for PA, etc... that would great. Ill get in touch with you once im done my course for test pointers. I have 3 months to complete it but im sure ill be done sooner than that...