Wiki Query on EXAM


Long Beach
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From a non-AAPC member regarding the flexibility on scheduling a test out of the state originally applied membership to:

I have two questions regarding your CPC online course.

1) Are the books you provide in the package the books we will be able to use for the AAPC exam?

2) If I was to move to another state could I still use this course for the AAPC exam?

3) If I took the test and failed in one state, could I do the retake in another state?

#1 If they select the Required Code Books add on when enrolling then yes the books can be used on the exam. If they go later to the AAPC store they sell some packages that include books that cannot be used on the exam.

For #2 and #3 there is no state specific exams. Its the same exam everywhere. Take at any chapter location that is most convenient.