Wiki PVI +/- additional work for fib +/- Vein of Marshall

Sagus, MA
Best answers
We have a few new attendings who are learning the complex world of billing.

Scenario #1: Everything for a PVI is done, checking all veins for block, NOT ablation of veins. Extra lines, cafe, box lesion set ... performed for afib Can the 93656 be billed to encompass everything? OR do the elements of a PVI need to be billed individually (ICE, TS, mapping, pacing...) in addition to (i'm uncertain here) a 93653?

Scenario #2 Everything for a PVI is done, including checking all veins for block, NOT ablation of veins. a Vein of Marshall is performed, which is an unlisted procedure.
Should the VoM be the only thing coded?

thanks in advance