Wiki Putting E/M in dictation?


Humboldt, TN
Best answers
Does anyone know if there are any reasons that a physician couldn't state what E/M level they are wanting to charge in their dictation? The physicians I work with choose their own levels(per their contract and they've been properly educated on E/M), but they sometimes forget to choose a level in our EHR system. I mentioned the idea of adding the E/M to one of my docs today, and he liked the idea. It would make things easier on them, and easier on them is easier on me :)

Obviously, we'd want them to select the level in the EHR system as well, but I thought this would be a wonderful backup to have too. The only two insurances that I'm concerned might have an issue with the E/M being in the dictation would be Mediciare and United Healthcare(grrrr..Optum Insight makes me insane!!). If anyone has suggestions or ideas about why/why not I should approach the higher ups about my idea if greatly appreciate it. I've been trying to make things easier for my docs since I took over the clinic I'm coding at, and this seems like something else that would streamline things for them and keep them off the naughty list :)
