Wiki Pump dc


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A patient comes in to be dc'd from their 46hr pump. Do we just charge 96523
pump dc

Yes, that is the correct cpt to bill for pump dc. This is a stand alone code, make sure you dont bill anything else for the same day of service
Home Pump Disconnect

This should be a 99211. The patient is already hooked up to the pump and the flushing of the tubing at disconnect is standard of care, best practice.
They did not come in for a port flush.

Tricia D
Did you connect the pump?

Did you connect the pump? If you did then you should have charged for the pump hook up and you would not charge anything for the d/c as it is included within the original code.
I think this practice for charging differs from facility to facility. I know I have talked with people who do charge the 96523 and people who don't. I've been coding this out for over six months now and I've not recieved a denial for the pump dc billing of 96523.
With that being said I wish there was clear direction from a higher power that would clarify this question once and for all.