Wiki Pulmonary Hypertension/Chronic Kidney Disease


Perryville, MO
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I attempted to search for specific notation regarding the above codes in the ICD book without success. I know if a patient has hypertension and CKD you assume a cause and effect relationship and code as such, however, does the same apply when it is stated as Pulmonary hypertension?
I attempted to search for specific notation regarding the above codes in the ICD book without success. I know if a patient has hypertension and CKD you assume a cause and effect relationship and code as such, however, does the same apply when it is stated as Pulmonary hypertension?

Pulmonary HTN isn't the same as regular HTN - I don't believe that there's an assumed relationship between the 2 conditions for ICD-9 purposes, but I might be wrong. ;)
Thanks for taking time to reply. The documentation really appears as is they are two separate unrelated issues, but I needed some validation.