Wiki Pulmonary E/M's


Stockton, CA
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Hi all I am just starting to code for a group of Pulmonolgists, and I need some help, I have coded E/M's before coming frome ER's but this is really new because with the ER's they were all formated on specific forms and had everything in specified spaces, and these are all hand written (and can barely read) so I am trying to do a good job, anyway'

If I have an NP that sees the pt and the dr signs off on the chart and adds to it can that higher up the E/M? I mean I had gotten a 99231 but then the dr. added meds and to f/u, also who gets the visit the NP or the Dr? Sorry if these questions sound stupid, but I want to get it right. Is there any books that I can get to help with this?..thank you any and all help is appreciated..alice
if you are charging a 99231 then I assume this patient was inpatient. You must charge using the NP NPI number, you can bill under the MD NPI only if he also has a note stating he has seen the patient and it needs to have his mini assessment and reference to the NP note. just adding to the NP note is not sufficient to bill under the physician. If the physician does see the patient face to face on the same day as the NP encounter and provides his own note, then it may be billed as a shared encounter which is combining the two notes together and using the physician NPI

I'm sorry I forgot to say that yes this for inpt progress notes, and the Dr does state agrees with above and then proceeds to add information to the chart another dx and meds.. so that would go to the Dr?.. thank you for your help on this it is really appreciated..alice