Wiki Pt's that bring their own meds


Oklahoma City, OK
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Trying to bill Humana Military for 96372 (admin) for hormones the patient provides. They have denied the claims. I have appealed, they denied. I call and they tell me I am missing a modifier and they cant tell me which modifier. I have used KX and get denials.

Does anyone know which modifier to use in this case. I have researched every where... :confused::confused::confused::confused:
The only reason I ask is we bill injection fees regularly and have never had to add a modifier even for Humana. I am just curious why they are denying it. That is weird.
WE bill for an injection and then the appropriate medication code with a $0.00 to show what was given and not charged. We have gotten paid doing it this way. Sometimes we have to us 0.01 in order for it to go thru the clearinghouse.