Wiki PTs requirement for new G codes and severity modifiers


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I recently read two articles on the new G codes and severity modifiers for physical therapy on the AAPC website. Can someone clarify what is the purpose of the new codes and the modifiers?
PT requirement for new G codes and modifiers

Actually, it's pretty simple. I think that Medicare is trying to get a handle on how treatment relates to patient improvement. Since all therapists will be doing this, they can get a LOT of statistics on what modalities seem to work, what might be the "average" (we all know NO ONE is average, really) number of treatments for certain conditions for certain patient groups, ages, etc.

Then, they will probably come up with guidelines and payment schedules using that data. :eek:

Motivation of the patient to work hard to get better plays a BIG part in therapy services being successful. And, secondary conditions affect recovery - diseases such as MS or diabetes can cause longer or less recovery to original status.

I work in a PT clinic with a lot of Medicare patients, so this affects us. We've already started implementing the codes and modifiers, but we really won't know how the reimbursement is affected until the July 1 date is past, and it's mandatory for everyone. Physical Therapists aren't any more thrilled to do more documentation than any other healthcare professional, and it's added significantly to paperwork processing.