Wiki PTA in Anterior Tib Art & Dorsalis Pedis


Lancaster, OH
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Does anyone know if there is a separate cpt for ballooning the dorsalis pedis? I know you code 37228 for PTA of the Tibial/Peroneal but, is the dorsalis pedis considered part of the anterior tib or a separate vessel?? And if it is separate, what would be the correct cpt for ballooning the dorsalis pedis?

Thanks for any help you can give,
Does anyone know if there is a separate cpt for ballooning the dorsalis pedis? I know you code 37228 for PTA of the Tibial/Peroneal but, is the dorsalis pedis considered part of the anterior tib or a separate vessel?? And if it is separate, what would be the correct cpt for ballooning the dorsalis pedis?

Thanks for any help you can give,

Dorsalis pedis is a continuation of the anterior tibia, so I would code it as AT. If you've already performed an angioplasty in the AT, I would not code anything. If that's all you do, then I would code 37228. If the post tib or peroneal and the DP are angioplastied, then code one with 37228 and one with 37232.
Thanks for your help. He (doc) PTA the anterior tibial 1st and then moved down to the dorsalis pedis and PTA it too, which I guess is rare. So you would still only code one 37228 even though extra work was done?

I have looked though all of my Interventional Rad books and have even got online and can not find anything in regards to DP and it being a continuation, even though I assumed that it was, because all my books show anterior, posterior, trunk and peroneal and talks about how to code each vessel or a combination of vessels. But again, no mention of DP and what is considered. So if you say that's what it is, that is what I am going with.

Thanks so much for replying,