Wiki Pt. went down in waiting room


Local Chapter Officer
Spokane, WA
Best answers
I work in a family practice and we had a Pt. who had a small seizure in the waiting room. One of our PA's came out with her MA and assessed the Pt. to include pulse and other vitals once the seizure was over and then took her to the hallway by an exam room just to get her out of the waiting room while waiting for the ambulance to show up. I'm wonder if and how I can bill this? She was on schedule for something completly unrealted to her seizure but was not addressed due to the more pressing matter at hand.
We had a similar situation where the patient was waiting to be called in for a follow up and she fainted in the doorway. An RN caught her and helped lower her to the ground. We took her blood pressure and checked her sugar. The DR came out to check on her and wait for the ambulance. Didn't bill anything for it though.