Wiki Pt stays after Discharge Day Management


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I come across this situation a few times:
Pt is going to be discharged from the rehab hospital. Doctor does a discharge summary for that day, but for some reason or another the pt stays a few extra days (this time it was because pt needed IV antibiotics for a few days and family member could not drive her back and forth to have this done).
I've already charged out the DDM (DOS: 7/15), but now I see that she's still on the doctor's rounding list until 7/19. There are two DDMs for 7/15 & one for 7/19. Should I back out the DDM charge for 7/15 and change it to a subsequent care code? Or should I leave the charge as is and just bill subsequent care codes for 7/16-7/19? I'm stuck on this because I work for a neurology group, so I'm also wondering if the patient truly needed to be seen after the inital DDM or if they just so happened to see the patient because they were doing rounds. If that was the case, and it wasn't medically necessary, should we bill for ANY of the services done after the intial DDM?
Any ideas on this?
Thanks so much!