Wiki PT Home Exercises

Newark, DE
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Are providers permitted to bill 97110 to develop home PT therapeutic exercises and explain/teach to client and or caregivers? I have seen providers bill separately with 97110 for development and explanation only for home exercise, but I wonder if this is really included in this code. Would this be covered by 97001? What should providers bill for this type of service?
Yes, 97110 would be appropriate, per NGS Medicare, LCD L26884:

Documentation should describe new exercises added, or changes made to the exercise program to help justify that the services are skilled. Documentation must also show that exercises are being transitioned as clinically indicated to an independent or caregiver-assisted exercise program (?home exercise program? (HEP)). An HEP is an integral part of the therapy plan of care and should be modified as the patient progresses during the course of treatment. It is appropriate to transition portions of the treatment to an HEP as the patient or caregiver master the techniques involved in the performance of the exercise.

If an exercise is taught to a patient and performed for the purpose of restoring functional strength, range of motion, endurance training, and flexibility, CPT code (97110) is the appropriate code. For example, a gym ball exercise used for the purpose of increasing the patient?s strength should be considered as therapeutic exercise when coding for billing. Also, the minutes spent taping, such as McConnell taping, to facilitate a strengthening intervention would be counted under 97110.