Wiki Pt has Labor Epid for ~ 15 hrs then decided to do c-sxn. Time between end of epidural and start of c-sxn was 7 hrs. What ASA codes(s) do we use?


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Pt has Labor Epid for ~ 15 hrs then decided to do c-sxn. Time between end of epidural and start of c-sxn was 7 hrs. What ASA codes(s) do we use?
Hi I am an anesthesia coder in California. For labor to c's we code the labor with 01967 and the c-section with 01968

01967 Neuraxial labor analgesia/anesthesia for planned vaginal delivery (this includes any repeat subarachnoid needle placement and drug injection and/or any necessary replacement of an epidural catheter during labor) (UNITS - MC:5; ASA:5)

+01968 Anesthesia for cesarean delivery following neuraxial labor analgesia/anesthesia (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure performed) (UNITS - MC:2; ASA:3)