Wiki Psychiatry DSM V and ICD-9


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Currently there is a reasonable crosswalk between DSM IV and ICD-9. With the introduction of DSM V many of the psychiatrists are using these as their diagnoses. Is anyone aware of a crosswalk that would be helpful in this transition?
For example, Neurocognitive Disorder is listed in DSM V translating to Dementia, but not so stated in ICD-9 and from what I can tell is not listed/described as such in ICD-10 (F03).
Any help would be appreciated.
Psychiatrists should continue to diagnose according to either DSM-IV or DSM-5 (depending on the organization to which they belong). However, the coder will need to assign the proper ICD-9 or ICD-10-CM code based on the documentation in the record.

Crosswalks, in my experience, tend to lead toward an unsafe reliance on the tool to making coding decisions and are typically wrought with assumptions and errors.

I'm not sure this is exactly what you were looking for.