Wiki Psychiatrist coding/billing

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I have recently begun to code and bill for a psychiatrist in KY. The doctor for the most part only does a basic monthly office visit where he refills meds ect. He has a couple patients who get injections. Currently I am using the 99213 and 99214 for these visits. Is this correct coding for this type of office? And when billing for the Injection i am coding for the medication injected. Is this correct? All of the patients are either Medicare or Medicaid.
the level of the visit will depend on the documentation provided. As far as the injection go, if there is sufficient documentation to support the visit level in addition to the injection then you would bill the injection administration and the visit level using the 25 modifier as well as the J code for the medication. If the encounter is solely for the purpose of the injection then bill only the administration code and the J code for the medication.