Wiki providers that perform inpt e/m services


Flower Mound, TX
Best answers
do you bill for the services on a daily basis or do you wait until the patient is discharged and bill all services at one time. what is your reasoning for doing it one way or the other.

im trying to get a feel of the pro's and con's in both ways.

thanks! :D
We wait until the patient has been discharged, by reviewing the entire electronc chart at one time, but we do this because we bill for a group of providers of multi specialties. This way we can check for unbundling, multiple visits per provider, missing charges, modifier usage, critical care scenarios by same specialty..the whole gamut of issues with professional fees.

We do run a report of patients who are in a long-term stay situation, and code before discharge if they've been in a bed longer than a week.

When we switched to this method from the old 'billing cards', we saw a revenue increase of 25%.