Wiki Provider practicing across stateline

Elmira, NY
Best answers
I have a provider that recently moved to Florida from New York and the only way he sees patients in the hospital is through zoom (he is licensed to practice in New York). I am sure I am over thinking it but do the rules change because he is no longer in New York but still seeing patients in the hospital through zoom?
In addition to what thomas7331 says above, I recommend looking for information from the State Medical Board for the state(s) your provider is licensed in. Ohio requires the patient AND provider to be in Ohio to receive/provide telehealth services. The state regulation took precedence over Medicare's waiver for this during the PHE.

I want to point out you mention the provider is using Zoom. Telehealth platforms used by providers must be HIPAA compliant as of 5/12/23. The waiver that permitted use of Zoom, etc during the COVID-19 PHE expired with the end of the PHE.

Edit to fix a typo
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It's my understanding is that the license covers the state where the patient is located, not where the provider is. So, for example, radiologists who reads films for hospitals in other states will need licenses for all of those states - it would not be covered by the state license in which the radiologist is located when reading the films. But this is more of a legal question than one a coder should be answering, so I suggest you refer this to someone who has the appropriate background to give you legal advice about this.
You're right, there is a transition period. Thank you for pointing that out.

We chose not to begin telehealth visits in 2020 until we had a HIPAA compliant platform in place so using Zoom, Facebook, etc was a last resort. When I communicated the changes with the end of the PHE to our providers, I just let them know that flexibility was no longer available.