Wiki Provider Coding

Mohali, PN
Best answers
Please suggest CPT's for Physician group. Let me explain the scenario:
  • Physician speaks to patient for 5-10 mins (audio) regarding Covid issues. (if there is any valid CPT)
  • Next day patient visits Physician office and provider examines patient for covid and collect Covid specimen (CPT's which can be billed)
  • After result comes, physician informs Patient if his/her (audio) test is negative or positive. (Follow up CPT)
I don't believe that anything besides the covid swab would be billable.
The telephone consult codes (99441-99443) that could be used to bill for the audio visit before the swab specifies the following: "not originating from a related E/M service provided within the previous 7 days nor leading to an E/M service or procedure within the next 24 hours or soonest available appointment". Since the audio visit resulted in the patient coming to be swabbed/examined and then the result phone call was the result of the swab/procedure (assuming this was within the 7 days) neither phone call is billable.