Wiki "Prove it" Coding Test

Niceville, FL
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Has anyone else taken the "Prove it" Coding test in order to recieve a job interview? I called the JobsPlus where I must go to take this test and they told me I do not need my code books for this test.

Is there anyone who has taken this test give me verification that I indeed do not need my code books for this test? Also, am I to assume that this will be more of a compliance/theory test since it appears I wont be physically coding from my books?

Also, to those of you who have taken the "Prove it" Coding test, what was your experience with taking it? Was it lengthy, difficult? Any information I can get on this will be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
Prove It! Test

I realize this thread is a few years old but I thought it might still be helpful to someone in the future.

I just finished doing my first ICD 10 Prove It! test for a company. It was 46 multiple choice questions and it took me about 35 minutes to complete it. YOU WILL NEED YOUR BOOK. Unless you've memorized every code...
It asked about a few guidelines questions, asked to code a lot of diagnoses, and a few ICD 10 procedure codes.
All in all, it was very much like the CPC exam itself, only much shorter, thankfully. I missed 2 questions and got a 96% with the average score showing 90% so I'm not complaining.

Good luck future Prove It! test takers!