Wiki Protime diagnosis codes


Mellette, SD
Best answers
Hello everyone -
I need some help please. Our nurses are telling us that we should be coding protimes with the original reason the patient was started on coumadin. I was always taught that if the patient was on coumadin we use the V58.61 as the diagnosis code. If anyone has learned differently or has some information regarding this either way please let me know ASAP.
Thanks for your time,

I was always under the impression it would be what they are there for. If they are there to discuss the reason for the protime/coumadin therapy, then that's what you code (i.e. visit with Dr. for Afib). If they are just having a protime, I would code the V58.83, V58.61. Just my opinion!
we use V58.61 and for example 427.31 (whatever the reason they're on it)

Always V-code first on the protimes.
I agree with the answers given above, V58.61.
If the patients PT is elevated therefore needing adjustment of coumadin dosage, "I think" 790.92 can be used.
Like stated above atrial fibrillation is also another reason patient is on V58.61
or recent pulmonary embolism 415.19 or DVT, however you need to be more specific than 453.8 for some labs.
If anyone disagrees let me know. I can only learn from my mistakes!!
At our facility we were instructed to use the V58.83, the reason they are on the coumadin (afib, dvt, pe) then the V58.61:)
Yes, unfortunately when we coded V58.83 (PE, DVT, AFIB, etc.) and V58.61 the insurances would not pay because we used V58.83.
I am curious what the denial said specifically because the V58.83 is the right dx but must be paired with the V58.61, is it possible you billed a 99211 instead of the blood draw?