Wiki Prostate Abscess

Gloversville, NY
Best answers
Looking to get assistance to code a prostate abscess case. Here is the explanation of the procedure. Thank you

Lidocaine jelly was then gently introduced and a rigid
resectoscope was then inserted with the aid of visual
obturator. Once in the bladder there were no bladder lesions
although there was evidence of cystitis. Using a 24 French
bipolar loop the left lateral lobe was resected and after
significant resection the prostatic abscess was identified with
return of purulent drainage. This was sent off for culture.
Once hemostasis was achieved and the specimen was removed from
the bladder.

Would you code this as a 52601 because of the resection of the prostate lobe or would 55720 or 55725 be the appropriate codes?
this ones tough, there's no size. I think I'd lean toward 52224 (no size) cause his intent looks to remove lesions from the bladder. But didn't find any, then takes the left lobe of the prostate but mentions it's remove the bladder.
Did you get path? I don't like 52601, it's really a TURP. If anything, maybe 52601.52.

I see why you looked at these codes below. But this description doesn't seem to fit.
The physician performs a simple prostatotomy (cutting or puncturing the prostate) through one of two usual approaches. An aspirating needle is passed into the abscessed area of the prostate by puncturing through skin of the perineum (the area between the base of the scrotum and the anus), or by advancing the needle into the rectum by guidance with the index finger and puncturing through the rectal mucosa. The needle is inserted into the abscess in the prostate guided by an index finger or by ultrasound and the contents of the abscess removed by aspiration. The needle is withdrawn and the puncture site bandaged. Report 55720 for simple drainage, or 55725 if the procedure is complicated by excessive bleeding, infection, or other problem.