Wiki Prolonged Services 99358-99359


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I have a provider who is assessing a patient during stimulation testing and wants to bill 99358/99359. After reading guidelines I have the understanding for prolonged services is not used for assessing the patient while under treatment for a certain time and also CPT 99358/99359 is for NON face to face. Can someone help validate this for me please or I would happily love some great resources.

This is the documentation the provider wants to use to validate CPT 99358/99359

0830: Patient called in from the lobby. Ambulated without any difficulty withmom. Vital Sign taken and within normal limits. No s/s of pain and discomfort. 

0845: Patient ambulated to room and placed to gurney without any difficulty. IV Saline Lock started to (22) Anticubital w/ 22g and first baseline blood draw was collected without any difficulty. IVSL is flushed with Normal Saline and there is no s/s of infiltration noted. 

900:Dr. xxx in room assessing patient.

09:12: .25 mg cortrosyn given to patient IV push by Sarah as ordered by MD

0950:Dr. xxx in room assessing patient.

1012: +60 min blood draw was collected without any difficulty. IVSL is flushed with Normal Saline and there is no s/s of infiltration noted. 
IV D/C per protocol. Pt was given juice and crackers, was able ambulate with no problems

1015: Dr. xxx in room assessing patient, discharge instructions given to parents
I have a group of hospitalists who round on patients daily they use codes (99221-99233), if one of those providers rounds on a patient then provider leaves for the day, I also have a group of NP's that will follow up with patients throughout the evening. If one of those NP's provides services for a patient without having to actually have F2F time can my NP's bill a 99358/59 for this time spent on patient care?