Wiki Project Xtern


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So I've been working as an extern going on 8 weeks doing Project Xtern and have done no billing or coding whatsoever. I have been working on figuring out patient refunds. I don't feel like I have a mentor and just feel like a burden on this company and they just want free labor. Most of the time I have a question there is no time for it. I want experience but I don't think I am getting anything out of this. Here's the good part...they asked my to continue my externship (unpaid) for 3 days a week and be a Payment Poster (paid) the other 2 days. How can I be an employee yet work 3 days unpaid...especially since I am not billing or coding unpaid. I thought this was my foot in the door but...I think I am getting the short end of the stick in this deal!

I need opinions please and thank you!!!
You're getting some billing experience with patient refunds and potentially with payment posting. That's all part of the revenue cycle, and although I'm not sure what your idea of "billing and coding" is, let me assure you that these tasks are all a part of it. So you have a foot in the door, and if they are asking you to take on more responsibility, they must like what you're doing. Bottom line, do you want more experience, or to leave (with no job prospects at all) and take a chance that someone else will hire you? It's a tough call, but maybe you can carefully negotiate another x months of Project Extern, after which they'll hire you.

Also, you should probably read the FAQs on Project Extern. Typically this is a three month committment. You should have signed a waiver, and have the terms in place. Being a great employee means having very good communication with your employer. I encourage you to talk with them about your prospects.
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You're getting some billing experience with patient refunds and potentially with payment posting. That's all part of the revenue cycle, and although I'm not sure what your idea of "billing and coding" is, let me assure you that these tasks are all a part of it. So you have a foot in the door, and if they are asking you to take on more responsibility, they must like what you're doing. Bottom line, do you want more experience, or to leave (with no job prospects at all) and take a chance that someone else will hire you? It's a tough call, but maybe you can carefully negotiate another x months of Project Extern, after which they'll hire you.

Also, you should probably read the FAQs on Project Extern. Typically this is a three month committment. You should have signed a waiver, and have the terms in place. Being a great employee means having very good communication with your employer. I encourage you to talk with them about your prospects.

I guess my biggest question is how can they hire me doing one job and still have me working for free doing another job while both of the jobs are in the same department. Wouldn't that be an employee working off the clock? I did ask them about the situation and I think I made them mad and are giving the position to someone else. In my opinion they did this because they knew they would be breaking the law and I caught on to it. I've asked how long my extern is and cant get a definitive can be as long as I want it to be. I can't work for free forever!

Also, I just received my accounting degree so I can go a different route...I just wanted to work in the healthcare industry.