Wiki Programming Device in Office


Loveland, CO
Best answers

For all codes like 93280
Programming device evaluation (in person) with iterative adjustment of the implantable device to test the function of the device and select optimal permanent programmed values with analysis, review and report by a physician or other qualified health care professional; dual lead pacemaker system

My question: If these are performed in office by a Certified Device Specialist can I bill these services. The nurse, MD or rep is not performing this service and the MD is not documenting an analysis, review or report. These are just people in the office trained to program. Are these serivces billable without provider documentation on the note?

I can not find any literature to help with this specific example.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you
When i billed these services the MD would always Perform these Services and Sign off. CPT 2013 does say "Physician or other qualified healthcare professional". IMO i think the Device Specialist is just clinical staff. Page 5 of the CPT book describes the new Terms of healthcare professional Vs. Clinical Staff.

Last you dont want to Run the risk of an Audit and they See the MD's name on line 24J of the claim form then the Medical Record shows that the MD wasnt present and/or did not Supervise/Peform the Service

I Hope This helps you out!
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