Wiki Professional Component Billind


Scottsbluff, NE
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When you are billing a professional component and the test (EEG) was done on September 1, and the interpretation was done on September 5th, which date would you use? We have read and been told two different things and I am really needing some clarification as to if we will the interpretation with the date of service the EEG was done or do we bill it with the date that the physician read the test?

Thank you for all your help
According to CMS Transmittal 1873, you report the date of the interpretation.

On July 1, 2010, contractors shall educate providers and suppliers about the use of the actual calendar date that the interpretation was performed as the date of service (DOS) for the interpretation. Note: Special rules apply for the DOS of the technical component of clinical laboratory and pathology specimens and are contained in 42 CFR 414.510.