Wiki Proceeding with ERISA?


True Blue
Everett, Washington
Best answers
Need help from my billing colleagues.

Contracted commercial Aetna patient who is employed by UPS not (USPS) had a claim denied (sent electronically) early August. Due to unknown reasons and even with help of our clearing house could not find where this claim was ever billed out. No one knows what happened, buts after discovering the error billed again a couple weeks ago and got the denial for timely. Of course, we have no valid proof that claim was sent prior within timely guidelines. This is the crux of the matter as to whether we still can file (depending on what SPD states)utilizing ERISA.

I know it is a long drawn out process and that everything must be followed accurately, but before initiating it, want to make sure we can do so before getting patient involved.

Am getting some great help from another listserv that I belong to but just wanted to utilize AAPC forum members' expertise as well!
I just finished a webinar on ERISA. My guess that you never got any responses is due to the fact not everyone is in the know about it. I wasn't before today. I'm glad to see that you followed through!