Wiki Procedure IVUS


Norfolk, VA
Best answers
My doctor all he did was and IVUS on a patient which is 92978. But 92978 is an add on code and requiring a primary CPT to be billed along with it. There were no other diagnostic procedure perform to attach this code to. Has anyone run into this and have you billed just the 92978 and it's been paid.
Thanks :confused:
this is what was reccommened for us...

. We recommend use of unlisted code 93799 if an add-on code is submitted without a base code, as is the case with isolated IVUS, FFR, OCT, or NIR. Do not submit a repeat coronary angiogram to get a base code for the IVUS, as almost always there is a recent coronary angio, and it would be inappropriate to bill a repeat study here. Subsequently, the correct coding is an unlisted.

This was form zhealth
who did the diagnostic CCLV to determine that IVUS was necessary? we rarely have this happen but usually it's because a non-interventional cardiologist performs the diagnostic study and refers to an interventionalist for further evaluation. The interventionalist performs IVUS or FFR and determines no intervention is required. This is usually done on the same day and we bill for it with 92978 or 93571 and appeal stating that the qualifying code was performed by another physician on the same day and we get paid.