Wiki Probing and Irrigation of Nasolacrimal system 68810 vs 68840

Walnut Creek, CA
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Hello coding professionals,
I am a new Ophthalmology coder and have a dilemma with coding the Op Note below. My fellow coders code this as 68840 - because canalicula is mentioned but to me it's 68810 because the 'duct' was done. What is your rational and code to such note? Sometimes MDs describe the procedure like "Canalicula: soft stop but free to irrigation. Nasalacrimal Duct: 100% reflux OD with mucus and 0% reflux OS"- they code as 68840 because 'canalicula' is mentioned. Another example: Canalicula: patent x4. NC Duct: 70% reflux.."- 68840 I am very puzzled and not convinced of the rational and will greatly appreciate your input and expertise in it.
Thank you.