Wiki Preventive visit New or Est - suggestions in billing


Mysore, Karnataka
Best answers
Need your suggestions in billing for preventive service.

If an establised patient visits the clinic for preventive examination, then should we bill preventive service as new or established?

Previously patient is billed with 99213.
Now only preventive service is done and no significantly separate E&M service was performed. So should this service be reported with 9938x or 9939x? Kindly suggest your thoughts with reason.

If the patient is seeing the same provider or provider group which has the same specialty and sub specialty I would code it as Established.
Need your suggestions in billing for preventive service.

If an establised patient visits the clinic for preventive examination, then should we bill preventive service as new or established?

Previously patient is billed with 99213.
Now only preventive service is done and no significantly separate E&M service was performed. So should this service be reported with 9938x or 9939x? Kindly suggest your thoughts with reason.


An established patient is established for all services. If they have been in the office within the last 3 years then the patient is established to that practice for all visit types.