Wiki preventive medicine


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How do you code for a GP that has a specialty in cardiology? A patient presents for a routine annual check up who happens to have a cardiac problem. They discuss both his cardiac history and preventive measures as well as routine general health questions. Can you bill for both an established office visit and a preventive code? Also, is it true that a physcian that practices two specialties is paid less by Medicare than a GP who has no specialty?
Coding Gp or IM with a specialty in Cardiology

From your note, I understand that the patient is an Established Patient with a known or previously diagnosed cardiac problem, therefore, I would code it as an Established patient follow-up visit. I don't believe that an established patient, with an established cardiac disease is considered a Preventive Medicine patient. Even though, the patient has not been seen in a year.

Depending on the the amount of systems that the Doctor reviewed and the Hx of the present illness, as well as the level of care given, you would choose your EP follow-up code. Possibly in the range of 99213-99215
Thank you for your help. This is a client who is asking these kinds of questions. I am doing as much research as I can before I answer him.