Wiki Preventive Medicine co pays


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Hi We are all in the same boat with preventive medicine co-pays not being collected, our organization's work flow does not lend itself to a "check-out" procedure so billing is refunding where appopriate. Any thoguhts sugestions are greatly apreciated.
Can you clarify? Do you mean billing is refunding because they're collecting co-pays for preventive office visits?
Hi Yes billing is refunding co pays because the patient has preventive visit with their PCP, 993 code. The front does not have knowledge of how the provider will be coding the visit. Thanks for your help.
When the patient is scheduling the appointment, how is it scheduled? If scheduled as a Prev Med visit, at check in no copay would be collected. If scheduled as a non Prev Med visit, copay would then be collected. This would cut down on the refunds generated.

Agree with above. When scheduled, there should be some indication as to why the patient is being seen.

Our front office staff makes notes in the comment section of the appointment screen to show the reason for the visit (sign/symptom, annual wellness, etc.). When checking in patients, the schedule shows the reason why the patient is scheduled right next to the name. That's how our staff knows not to collect copays.