Wiki Preventive care


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Has anyone had this problem. When a patient comes in for their preventive care and also touches on another problem but the Physician does not feel like it's nessecity to charge 99213 but add's it on the encounter form, and mention it in thier dictation. When posting your charges would you just use your preventive care dx are would use both dx's, and have you found that Ins companies are paying for these?

Karen, CPC
From the way I understand it, if there is mention of other problems during the preventative care that doesn't need any major follow up and does not jeopardize the physical itself then you would code the preventative code with the prim dx as V70.0 and then the second dx as whatever the other problem is.
I work for family practice and we see pt for cpx and additional other complaint. We alway use the cpx as primary and other dx as secondary and so on.