Wiki Preterm Delivery of Twin Gestation


Joplin, MO
Best answers
I have a question about which ICD 10 code to use. The doctor delivered a patient with twin gestation at 36 weeks. Patient was not in active labor but Baby B had an issue with abnormal cord flow and was small for dates. The only code I can find for the preterm delivery includes the preterm labor, which wasn't happening. Thanks in advance for your help!
Check out the definition of labor per NIH (below). According to this, as I read it, if there was delivery, there was labor.

I would use the preterm labor with preterm delivery codes: O60.14X1 and O60.14X2. Use additional codes for complications, gestation weeks, outcome of delivery, etc.

I hope this helps. If I misunderstood anything, please post back.
Given your description, I would have queried the provider if this delivery was due "twin to twin transfusion syndrome" where the smaller twin is not getting enough blood. There are appropriate codes for twin to twin syndrome which would have covered the delivery if that was indeed the case. Just something to have in the back of your mind if you ever run into another twin delivery like this.