Wiki presumptive and definitive drug codes


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When billing presumptive drug screen and/or drug confirmation codes, are you allowed to roll the charges up into one unit in order to bill? I have several 2016 claims that are hitting an edit because G0479 was billed with 10 units (methadone, amphetamines, salicylate, benzodiazepine, barbiturates, cocaine, opiate, acetaminophen, oxycodone metab, and cannabinoid-G0479 was billed for each). From my understanding, G0479, again this is a 2016 claim, should only be billed once per day for the patient, and billed by the treating provider. G0479 was billed at $164 each unit. Is it correct then to add all the charges up for a grand total of $1640 and bill it as one unit? If so, is there literature that backs this process up? Thanks

G0479: Drug test(s), presumptive, any number of drug classes; any number of devices or procedures by instrumented chemistry analyzers utilizing immunoassay, enzyme assay, tof, maldi, ldtd, desi, dart, ghpc, gc mass spectrometry), includes sample validation when performed, per date of service
The code is self explanatory, 1 unit no matter what is done per DOS bill whatever you want to bill and expect to get a low reimbursement since $164 per class tested is excessive.
The code is self explanatory, 1 unit no matter what is done per DOS bill whatever you want to bill and expect to get a low reimbursement since $164 per class tested is excessive.

Thanks. I keep questioning why this is done, but I can't get a clear answer on why this is done from anyone in my office. I stopped doing it until they provide an explanation.