Wiki Presentation


Local Chapter Officer
Pinebush, NY
Best answers
Im preparing a presentation as one of the requirements for the CPC-I course. Im thinking about the infusion since theres so much about it and some are confuse and get denials. Any help or information about the topic will be of great help. Like the difference between infusion and hydration. When can you use 96360? If the physicians diagnosis is hydration but there is also the vomiting or pain what are the codes needed? Is the start and stop time really necessary in every drugs or fluids you use? I will really appreciate all the help to make my presentation clear and helpful. Thank you so much for the help.:)
I sent you a private email here as I would be happy to help you. To get to your email here, click on the blue "Private Messages:" up in the upper right corner of your screen under Welcome.
Hi i didnt see any private message i dont know what happened but im so happy that your willing to help me. I will wait again for your reply. Have a wonderful holiday weekend.