Wiki prescription time

Fenton, MI
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I have a provider that wants to bill for the time it took her to write prescritions for 8 kids in a family that has a pertussis exposure. Is there a code out there for this?
If there wasn't a visit, I am not aware of a way to capture this. While in total, for all 8 children, the time may have been significant, it was likely only a few minutes for each.
per the new guidelines this can be included in the time spent on a particular visit for that day. the provider would have to determine how long it took for EACH person as you can only count time spent on EACH INDIVIDUAL pt. this might boost the code to the next level. if that's all was done without actual visits then i don't think that would be billable.
We had a physician who did this often without an actual OV taking place. Mom would call and say one of the kids was exposed to someone else's child, usually at school, with a contagious condition and ask for Rx's for all kids as a "preventive measure." He would even get stopped in the grocery store and be asked to do this. This of course could not be billed, not to mention it's a wreckless way to practice medicine, and he was counseled in peer review to stop this practice, but it never stopped and he was let go. If no OV took place and all your provider did was write Rx's to ease mom's concerns, there would be no way to bill this service, and I would hope he or she realizes that prescribing anything for a patient without being formally evaluated and documented can lead to an eventual lawsuit.