Wiki Prescription strength OTC (Ibuprofen 600/800 mg) prescription?


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Does anyone have a reliable source of information on this topic? I am an auditor and have run into conflicting views on this. Some want to give credit for prescription drug management under the risk MDM and others believe it should be low, when the MD write a prescription for any OTC drug in the emergency room. What I have located appears to state any medication that can be purchased over the counter, should be considered just that - OTC and low risk. I can't seem to find a definitive answer on this.....another one of those grey areas??

It depends on how the Ibuprofen if given. Whether 3 tablets to equal 600 mg or 1 - 600 mg tablet or 4 tablets to equate 800 mg or 1 - 800 mg tablet. The 1 tablet of 600 mg and 800 mg requires a prescription from a doctor; however, it the patient is taking 600 mg or 800 mg from a 200 mg bottle then it is considered to be OTC medication .