Wiki Prescription Drug Management


McLeansville, NC
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Hello ,
I believe I have read this, but does the provider need to document the name and dosage of the medication if he says continue taking same medications or continue same regimen? If so can you give me a guideline or a location of this being documented, i need to show support for this. Thanks
Hello ,
I believe I have read this, but does the provider need to document the name and dosage of the medication if he says continue taking same medications or continue same regimen? If so can you give me a guideline or a location of this being documented, i need to show support for this. Thanks

in our office, in order to use prescription drug management, there must some "management" involved; starting or stopping an Rx or a change in dose, for example. we may count it if the provider clearly documents his thoughts about interactions between current medications or if he is recommending a change in meds that the patient does not want to do yet (again...if it is clearly documented).

but, we don't consider "continue the same medications or regimen" as prescription drug management, whether the drugs and doses are listed or not.

hope this helps.:)
Our Medicare carrier (NGS) includes a parenthetical note with prescription drug management in their table of risk that says "continuation & new prescription". But this is the only written guidance on this that I've come across.