Wiki Prescription Drug Management - Credit For Therapeutic Injections and Vaccines?

Hi! I would count it under MDM risk as minor procedure treatment (low risk), not Rx management. And I wouldn’t count it at all in MDM calculations if the procedure is being billed separately during the same encounter. (Be sure if you are billing separately, that the documentation supports billing the E/M and procedure code with the modifier 25.)
Hi, Leesa. I believe you are mixing the Data section Guidelines with the Risk section Guidelines. Under the Data section GL's, they specifically discuss a provider being paid separately for the Professional Component of a CPT code. There is no professional component for drugs administered by injection in an office setting. These drugs normally require a prescription and are considered prescription drug management. Vaccines do not require a prescription or a trip to a pharmacy and one may simply go to the local health department to receive a vaccine. Vaccines would be considered other low-risk treatment.