Wiki Preparing for CEMC


Roxboro, NC
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I am preparing to take the CEMC exam this year. Besides the overall guidelines ('95, '97, ICD-9, CPT, HCPCS), does anyone know if there are any other good study guides or resources? I already have the AAPC Study Guide and have developed a plan for studying from this and have some audit tools I am evaluating but was just wondering about other resources that might be worth purchasing.

Thank you
That should be sufficient

I used the same materials you are using and did fine. The only thing I would add to that is the mock CEMC exam - but that is only if you want to take a trial run. I did that, but it didn't reveal any surprises. That one would be your call.
I would get yourself familiar with the teaching guidelines and incident to requirements. Also ABN do's and donts. I took it and failed by a slim in March. I also think one thing i failed to do is really pay attention to the paragraph before the questions, really look at what they did and what they are looking for in the questions that follow that statemnet. They may not want you to level the exam and just looking for and ICD-9 or apropriateness, so you may not have to waste time by auditing the chart.
Take those practice exams and multiply them by 10 and thats the exam.
Hope this help, good luck!!

Lynda, CPC
I just ran into this post, but wanted to put my 2 cents in too. I agree with Always Sunny - pay close attention to those paragraphs after the cases during the exam. I wasted a lot of time by not taking note of those before I started "auditing" the case during the exam. If I had to do it all over again, I would have taken the CEMC mock exam just to familiarize myself with the format. I did pass the exam, but I do think the mock exam would have made it a little less painful!
Thanks for the input. I am doing what everyone has suggested above. Plus, I had been using an online audit too at work, and after I decided which audit form I preferred, I have switched to using it in my work setting for practice until the exam. I actually like using this audit form; it makes me really think about the overall level instead of calculating for me.

Thanks again,

Amy Davis, CPC