Wiki Preop visit for colonoscopy HELP


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I have a PA that is doing an office visit or consult for a patient with a recommendation for a colonoscopy or egd for example. His dictation for the visit he also labels as the Preoperative History and Physical. Since preop visits are not billable, I lose the whole visit correct unless they bring them back for the preop.

Thank you for any and all suggestions!

I would not agree that you would always lose the office visit. And certainly not if the PA was seeing the patient as a consult.

Let's say the patient was sent over for "eval of rectal bleeding". The PA can do an exam and evaluate the problem. As part of his MDM he can decide that he needs to do a scope. He can also note that his OV note will be put on the OBSV procedure chart as the required pre-op documentation. But this would not void his OV/consult code. This is still a codeable/billable visit.

If the patient was sent over "colonoscopy due to rectal bleeding". Then the eval is inclusive to the requested procedure. The PA would do a pre-procedure eval and could make note to put the eval on the OBSV procedure chart. But this eval is inclusive to the procedure and would not be separately coded. Basically the scope is a planned procedure. The patient was not referred for an eval, he was referred for a procedure
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