Wiki Preop billing


Paramus, NJ
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MY OBGYN is asking can she bill V72.84 on all of her surgery cases. It is my understanding that the PCP will do the preop exam, but if the patient does not have a PCP, can the surgeon bill for the preop and how would that be coded? I am not sure if that would be included in the global period or can be specified as a preop exam. Thanks, would appreciate any input.
once the surgeon has made the decision to perform the surgery, then to see the patient again for "pre op" is inclusive in the global. When the PCP performs a preop visit at the request of the surgeon they are suppose to bill the preop portion of the global with the 54 modifier. the preop ICD-9 code is there to pair with the 54 modifier for those not performing the surgery.
Of course if this is the encounter to make the decision to do the surgery then the 57 modifier is the ticket.