Wiki Prenatal visits


Meridian, ID
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What is billable and what is not during the prenatal period. Are any complications of pregnancy separately billable during the prenatal visits
What is billable and what is not during the prenatal period. Are any complications of pregnancy separately billable during the prenatal visits
This is in the eye of the insurer although both ACOG and CPT have given us general lists of things that can be billed in addition. Per CPT you can bill for any complications of pregnancy that are related or not related, and if you look at the maternity care and delivery section of the CPT book (appears just before code 59000) you will see their full description of what is included. This implies that you could bill for visits where you are managing the flu or gestational diabetes, but keep in mind that some payers include any and all care as inclusive so you need to have a good understanding of their payment policies. ACOG has published a book on pregnancy and I have attached the file that contains the chapter of antepartum care for your information.


  • ACOG Chapter 4 Antepartum Care.pdf
    212.9 KB · Views: 35