Wiki pregnancy and urines

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My question is. I know that dipped urines at each visit are part of the global pregnancy for 81000 and 81002. But if you send a urine for culture can you bill a 81003?
Also, we have a Clinitex Status machine at our office and when the dip shows abnormal results we run a more detailed through this machine. If we don't send to lab can we still bill a 81003 or only when leaves the office in tube or not at all? HELP..
Urine Culture is 87086. This is not something typically done in the clinic office, but in the lab.

The dip is included in the global, but if you do more than that I would think you could bill for this. As for in office, as opposed to at the lab, I'm not sure. We send everything down to the lab, except for the Udip and rapid strep tests.