Wiki Preg Test Reason for Visit, Confirmed as Final?

Frederick, MD
Best answers
Hi guys. I've got a pregnancy test related question.

If a woman comes to the ED requesting a pregnancy test (V72.40), and the physician confirms a pregnancy (V72.42), would the Reason for Visit be V72.40 and the Final Dx as V72.42?

Or would V72.42 be used as both Reason for Visit AND Final Dx?

Thanks so much!

How to use both...

You would use only the V72.42 you would not use both codes

I understand that, but I have two fields to fill:

Reason for Visit:
Final Diagnosis:

Are you saying I should use V72.42 for BOTH? Even though the patient did not know she was pregnant on presentation to the ED? She came in to the ED and requested a pregnancy test, as it was unconfirmed (V72.40); the final diagnosis was "pregnancy" (V72.42)- hence why I am tempted to use V72.40 as the admit and V72.42 for the final. But, I'm pretty terrible at coding pregnancy-related cases, so I'm sure I'm wrong!

Thank you for your help!
No you would use the V72.42 for both. Only one will go one the claim. ER is billed as outpatient and does not use the POA field, that is for inpatient billing. So it must be your software is needing this. So just use the same code twice.