Wiki Preg confirm - EMR - Global OB


Omaha, NE
Best answers
I need some assistance please. We are currently inplementing EMR in our OB/GYN practices. I need some help in documenting properly. Here is the deal:

Patient comes in for pregnancy confirmation. Clinic bills out E/M and begins blood work and instructs the patient to return in one month for OB workup.

Later in the day the provider begins abstracting information into the "OB paperwork" so that it will be ready when they arrive next month.

This is now dated the same date as the "confirmation" which in the paper world would begin the global OB.

What recommendations do you have for me to share with my providers so they can still bill the confirmation and still get some of the paperwork done prior to next visit.

Thank you in advance for all your help
preg confirmation

Can you create a non-billable encounter for the extraction. The NOB date can reference inforatmion from other visits by checking areas as history reviewed. You may need to build structure into your reports that is pulls data from these fields. Some EMR's however do not allow you to do this type of reporting. Its static. What EMR do you use?